Sub-Saharan Africa SCD Resource Directory

The Sub-Saharan Africa SCD Resource Directory houses a wealth of information and materials related to sickle cell.

Check out this sub-Saharan Africa SCD Resource Directory to learn about sickle cell-related resources, organizations, research, and health care centers based in six countries: Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zambia.


Total Records: 98


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Caring for students with SCD as a school nurse

Slideshow with information on how school nurses can care for students with SCD and their accompanying health complications

Publication Date: 08/30/2024

Helping students with SCD PowerPoint

Powerpoint for school personnel about SCD and how to help children with SCD have a successful and safe academic career

Publication Date: 08/30/2024

Maintaining daily health with SCD

This page consists of common health occurances that can happen with SCD and things to keep in mind when accessing and addressing them.

Publication Date: 08/30/2024

Resources for students with disabilities

A list of resources that may help students with disabilities learn more efficiently and improve comfort around learning new topics

Publication Date: 08/30/2024

Study on SCD and academic performance and educational needs

This study examined the how academic performance may be impacted by SCD and how the different kinds of SCD imapact academic abilities for children.

Publication Date: 08/30/2024

Stroke and how it affects children in the classroom

This article discusses ways to identify a potential stroke and how to manage each symptom. It also informs teachers of how a history of stroke can affect academic performance

Publication Date: 08/30/2024

Healthy intimacy for individuals with SCD

Article describing complications individuals with SCD can have during sex and ways to achieve a healthier sex life

Publication Date: 08/30/2024

Tips for dating with SCD

Video explaining things to keep in mind when dating with SCD or if you’re dating someone with SCD

Publication Date: 08/30/2024

Dating with SCD

This article described how an individual with SCD could go about telling a new partner that they have SCD and why it may be important to disclose that information.

Publication Date: 08/30/2024

SCD and its involvement in romantic relationships

This article discusses how and when to bring up SCD in a new relationship and ways that it may affect the relationship.

Publication Date: 08/30/2024